How do I enroll for 12x12?

  • Please fill out the very brief application form on the course web page and we will get back to you ASAP with next steps.

  • We are currently planning new cohorts start dates in April, July, and October though custom start dates for teams or groups can be arranged.

How do I get the most out of my experience?

  • Great question - I’m so glad you asked! The people who get the most benefit from the coaching I offer come with a curious mind, open to new perspectives, and they come ready to do some work. I see people get the most when they try the exercises or assignments offered, take notes, and when they are not excessively attached to a fixed story about their particular woundedness that prevents them from moving on.

  • Plan ahead. Put the group calls on your calendar and try to protect that time as learning live in a group is the most dynamic way to experience this curriculum.

  • Schedule your 1:1 in advance when possible to avoid letting time pass without using them all.

Are there pitfalls to be aware of?

  • Like anything, you will get out of this experience what you put into it. Your coaches are 100% present for your session. My best advice is to settle in a few minutes beforehand, be on time, review notes from previous sessions if useful, and don’t skip group calls if at all possible.

  • Also, if you notice yourself having an abundance of cynical thoughts during a coaching experience, count that as more information rather than a capital-T truth and let’s investigate. I am open for feedback, especially when it helps improve the offerings.

Does this mean you’re my doctor?

  • Nope. Our coaching agreement states clearly that we are not engaging in a dr-patient relationship. I will not prescribe or order tests for you through our coaching engagement.

Are you still practicing medicine?

  • Yes. I still work part time for Providence as Medical Director of the Center for Medically Fragile Children and as an occasional hospitalist for both adults and kids.

Can you see me as a patient?

  • Short answer is no. I’m not offering primary care services here, though I’m flattered each time I get asked. I am offering a limited number of Health Strategy Sessions and I will offer health info from time to time and I am available for 90-day complex consultation engagements on a case-by-case basis. I love to help those in need navigate the complexities of he healthcare system, advocate and interpret for them when the right situation arises. (Complex adult or pediatric case, cancer care, palliative care issues for example)

Can we do a trade?

  • I am open to a limited number of service trades. Ask me!

Do you offer scholarships or discounts?

  • Yes- I often offer a number of pay-what-supports-you spots as part of my plan to give back and do right. Reach out with your details and we will find what might delight all involved.

  • BIPOC, gender diverse and other historically marginalized friends are especially encouraged to inquire.