
12 people. 12 weeks.

Infinite Possibilities.

12x12 is a unique hybrid coaching program that offers a 12-week experience that includes small group sessions, a curriculum that calls us to orient with love and purpose to ourselves, our mental activities, our feelings, our self construct, our interactions with others, our past, and our future. It also includes six individual coaching sessions to apply these insights to the current circumstances of your life.

12x12 invites participants to take meaningful stock of their current life trajectories and decide with compassion where a course correction may be in order.

We focus on self compassion practices as elaborated by Dr. Kristin Neff and Positive Intelligence principles as taught by Shirzad Chamine. We use cognitive behavioral therapy frameworks to reconsider what we choose to believe, and we refine our core values as they are showing up today. We will craft a personal mission statement, explore healthy expressions of boundaries, and much much more.

12x12 has been as rich for experienced coaches as it has been for newcomers to these concepts— as rich for physician executives as for artists finding their way to their next expressive endeavor. The process is about calling meaning back into your own life… reconnecting with your ikigai - YOUR version of the good life, or a life well lived, and clarifying next choices.

It is my highest wish that this process help as many as possible along the way. If this calls to you and finances are an obstacle, let’s talk. I reserve some space for scholarship and trade in each cohort for this reason.

If your employer has a tuition reimbursement program (such as the Providence arrangement with Guild), then this opportunity is fully reimbursable. Just ask if you need help with this! It is also accredited for 9 hours CME + CE for RNs and allied health professionals!

apply now for a spot in the next

12 x 12

Enrolling now for all 2024 cohorts (April, July, Sept starts)

Custom Team Cohorts available on request

Groups meet every other week - Wednesday at 6PM PST or Saturday morning at 9AM PST

Six 1:1 coaching sessions focused on YOUR goals for this time

~4 amazing coaches to choose from~

Six 90-minute group learning sessions - recorded and available for replay for 1 year

3 months Joy Point Solutions Community Membership included

Presence. Connection. Delight.  Inspiration.  Supported Emergence.

12x12 Overview

Thanks so much for your interest!

I’ll get back to you soon with availability options.

with Love & Purpose!
